Welcome to AV Works Ltd Audio Visual Discussion Blog!

Welcome to the AV Works forum where we will cover a wide range of Audio Visual discussions, bring you exciting product news and assist in any Audio Visual queries you may have.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Interesting Press Release about AV Works Ltd

Have a look at this PR article written about us. We think it is well worth a read! http://prlog.org/10947929

Lets Kick Things Off!

Hello and welcome to the AV Works Blog!

This blog is designed to comment, discuss and evaluate a wide range of Audio Visual products and problems. We will include: PA Equipment, Televisions, Interactive Projectors, Interactive Whiteboards, Speaker Systems and Lighting equipment to name but a few categories!

Our first port of call regards the need for Interactive equipment within schools. We feel it is rapidly becoming an essential part of all levels of education, with today’s teaching methods becoming more and more advanced. There are two main players in the interactive teaching market; Promethean and Epson, both of which provide similar end-user products but have different methods of delivering them. Take a look at the information we have on both the suppliers to find out the benefits of each manufacturer.

What do you think? Is the board-less technology from Epson better than the increased interactivity from Promethean? Or does the extensive range of accessories from Promethean make the Epson seem one dimensional?

Leave us a comment on your thoughts, we are on the fence with this one!